G.S.K Inter College, Kiraoli Agra

Kiraoli Main Market, Kiraoli, 283122
G.S.K Inter College, Kiraoli Agra G.S.K Inter College, Kiraoli Agra is one of the popular Campus Building located in Kiraoli Main Market ,Kiraoli listed under Education in Kiraoli ,

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More about G.S.K Inter College, Kiraoli Agra

G S K INTER COLLEGE KIRAOLI which is located in KIRAOLI AGRA. AGRA is the district of UTTAR PRADESH state. G S K INTER COLLEGE KIRAOLI was establised in 1990. The complete address of G S K INTER COLLEGE KIRAOLI is . Visitor or students can call on mobile number: & also the Landline number . The student can contact and send inquiries through the email id to the school. G S K INTER COLLEGE KIRAOLI gives all details to the students query.
The aided system is presented in G S K INTER COLLEGE KIRAOLI. The students strength of the school is 5835. The medium of instruction is English. There,total number of teachers is 19. 36 classrooms are present in G S K INTER COLLEGE KIRAOLI which have 8 computer systems for the student and 78 blackboard

Map of G.S.K Inter College, Kiraoli Agra