BHAGWANPUR DESUA, Samastipur, 848134
BHAGWANPUR DESUA BHAGWANPUR DESUA is one of the popular Agricultural Cooperative located in BHAGWANPUR DESUA ,Samastipur listed under School in Samastipur ,

Contact Details & Working Hours


Latitude:25.77905 Longitude:85.6982 Pin Code:848134 District:Samastipur State:Bihar
The number of households in Bhagwanpur Desua is 1,678. All the households are rural households.
Female to male ratio of Bhagwanpur Desua is 90.8% compared to the Bihar's female to male ratio 91.93%. It is unsatisfactory and the people should drive some campaign to improve this.
The literacy rate of the village is 44.14% compared to the literacy rate of state 47%. The literacy rate of the village is less than state literacy rate. The rate of literacy is very low and needs immediate attention of Union and State Government.
The female literacy rate is 30.03% compared to male literacy rate of 57.04%.
The total working population is 44.18% of the total population. 61.92% of the men are working population . 24.79% of the women are working population.
The main working population is 33.08% of the total population. 52.94% of the men are main working population . 11.39% of the women are main working population . While the marginal working population is 11.09% of the total population. 8.98% of the men are marginal working population. 13.4% of the women are marginal working population.
The total non-working population is 55.82% of the total population. 38.08% of the men are non-working population . 75.21% of the women are non-working population.

Vital Statistics

Parameters Total (Rural) Male Female

Population 9,151 4,796 4,355
Population Below 6 years 1,688 899 789
Scheduled Caste 1,919 986 933
Scheduled Tribe 0 0 0
Literate 3,294 2,223 1,071
Working Population 3,297 2,413 884
Main Working Population 2,469 2,063 406
Marginal Working Population 828 350 478
Non Working Population 5,854 2,383 3,471
Main Working Agricultural Laborer Population 911 685 226
Main Working Cultivator Population 735 628 107
Main Working House Works Population 88 73 15
Main Working Others Population 735 677 58
Marginal Working Agricultural Laborer Population 422 212 210
Marginal Working Cultivator Population 201 69 132
Marginal Working House Works Population 26 10 16
Marginal Working Others Population 179 59 120